When Is the Cheapest Time to Move?

When Is the Cheapest Time to Move?

Thousands of relocations are happening each year, with people moving away for a business, family, or simply looking for new surroundings. Some prefer to perform a DIY move, while others only trust the professional moving companies to handle it. No matter which option you choose, it’s only natural to wonder how much it will cost. Since relocation can get really expensive, you should find ways to cut down costs and avoid additional moving costs. So, when is the cheapest time to move? Read on to find out when it’s most affordable to move and the reasons behind it.

When To Move
When is the cheapest time to move?

Why moving prices are different?

Before you figure out the cheapest date for moving, let’s take a moment to understand why the price fluctuates. The first factor that determines the cost is a specific month. For example, moving in the winter months will bring harsh weather conditions that may cause traffic delays or huge storms, and you will also need to get more packing supplies to protect your items. Similarly, the autumn move will also require extra protection to make sure your belonging are not affected and destroyed by rain. On the other hand, moving in the summer will require protection from extreme heat and different equipment. This is only a beginning, meaning to give you an idea of how different months bring different challenges.

Next, another important factor to consider is peak season. Obviously, during peak season, most moving companies are extremely busy and booked already. That will make it more difficult to find movers that are available and affordable while providing satisfying service. The busier the season, the higher the moving cost, so you should never wait for the last minute to find a moving company. Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s see when the cheapest time to move is.

Cost Down
Cut your moving expenses by choosing the right moment

The Cheapest Time to Move

The cheapest SEASON to move

Let’s start with some data – about two-thirds of all moves in the U.S. take place during the high moving season that’s from May to September. If you wonder why that is, reasons are more than obvious – there are school breaks making it easier for families with children to move without the hassle, the weather is nice and storms won’t make it difficult to operate, and most people take their vacations during these months so they can move without stress. Because summer is convenient for several reasons and most people choose peak season to move, moving companies get extremely busy, resulting in high prices. That’s why you should avoid moving during the peak season if you want to find better moving rates.

On the other hand, winter months are usually not the favorite choice for relocation, and lower demand usually means lower costs. If possible, choose off-season for the cheapest costs because movers will have less work and they’ll be more flexible with prices and dates.

Moving Truck On The Road
Moving prices differ throughout a year

The cheapest MONTH to move

As already mentioned, if you move anywhere from May to September, you’ll likely pay extra for moving during peak season. Luckily, you can save money and move between September and April because movers will not be as busy and they’ll offer better rates and more availability. In general, January is the cheapest month to move because it’s eh coldest and may bring extreme weather conditions. You may face rain, snow, extremely low temperatures, delays, or storms, but if you’re willing to risk bad conditions, it will certainly save you a lot of money. That being said, not all countries have the same climate, so your January relocation may go completely smoothly depending on your area.

The cheapest WEEK to move

While season and month determine the price, time of the month can also make a difference in your moving expenses. The first and the last week of the month are usually the busiest ones, so aim for a mid-month move if you want to save money. If you wonder why this happens, the most logical reason behind is because most leases start or end at the beginning, or the end of the month, making it convenient for most people to move house.

The cheapest DAY to move

Not only that season, month, and week make a difference in your moving costs, but a day in the week can lower the cost as well. It also relates to how busy moving companies are, and as we’ve learned so far, the less busy they are – the more affordable their services are. Most people plan their relocation for the weekend, simply because they’re off works which makes it easier to move. If you want to avoid high prices, aim for anywhere between Monday and Thursday because those are the cheapest days to move.

Moving Day Written On The Box
Even a specific day in a week can make a difference

The cheapest TIME of the day

Eventually, you could also save money and find lower moving rates if you’re flexible enough to move at any time of the day. Most people start moving early in the day, so if you’re aiming for an early start, it’s not likely you’ll find affordable prices. On the other hand, if you can plan an evening time to relocate, you’ll probably find the best deal from your mover. Moving early in the morning will be more convenient, but if you’re looking for the most cost-effective option, go for evening hours instead.

Things packed for a moving
Contact your movers and make the best plan for your relocation

Hopefully, our guide will help you understand why prices differ and how to get the best price possible. The best way to get the lowest moving rates is to reach out to your trusted professional moving company and make the most suitable moving plan for your specific relocation. Make sure to contact your movers well ahead so they could help you figure out the best and cheapest time to move. If you’re looking for a trustworthy moving company with affordable rates, contact Dumbo Moving and Services. We’ll be more than happy to make a plan with you and find the best time for the most affordable relocation.

Planning a move?

Experience the peace of mind that comes from working with a trusted, affordable moving service. Our team of dedicated movers is committed to providing excellent customer service and making sure your items arrive in the same condition they were in before the move. We work hard to ensure that your move is as stress-free as possible and that your possessions are handled with the utmost care. With our competitive prices and commitment to customer satisfaction, you can be sure that your move will be an enjoyable and successful experience.

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